In April 2014, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) published its latest bulleting on Trends in World Military Expenditure – 2013. The bulletin shows that global military spending has been decreasing for the second year in a row.
Egypt: The Army between military future and political destiny
The Arab and Western media quickly relayed a statement issued by the Egyptian army on its Facebook page (...)
Egypte : L'armée entre avenir militaire et destin politique
Les médias arabes et occidentaux ont relayé très rapidement un communiqué publié par l’armée égyptienne sur son site Facebook (...)
Large-scale international deployment of military forces off Iran
The largest naval exercise ever organized in the Middle East began on Monday September 17 in the Gulf of Aden and the Sea of Oman (...)
Déploiement international d’envergure au large de l’Iran
Le plus grand exercice naval jamais organisé au Moyen-Orient a débuté le lundi 16 septembre dans les eaux du golfe d’Aden (...)
Libya: Operation "Odyssey dawn"; major developments from day 6 to day 10
On March 24, French Foreign Minister, Mr Alain Juppé said that he believes the military operations “may take weeks, but not months” (...)
Libya: operation "Odyssey dawn" days 4 and 5
Military operations continued on March 22 and 23 and are due to continue in the coming days (...)
Libya: Operation "Odyssey dawn", days 2 and 3
International coalition’s military operations continued over Libya Sunday March 20 and Monday March 21 (...)
Libya: Operation "Odyssey dawn", day 1
Operation Odyssey Dawn began Saturday March 19, in the afternoon with the announcement, shortly after 03:00 PM that French jets (...)
Libya/UN: full text of the draft adopted tonight in the Security Council