
Briefings 41 to 60

Successive prison riots point to systemic failures of penitentiary system in Brazil and the war for drug trade monopoly
Since the beginning of 2017, 123 inmates have been killed in 5 separate prison riots across Brazil. These incidents highlighted the systemic failure of a penitentiary system that is overcrowded and under-secured. As Brazil’s incarceration rate remains high and the construction of new prisons is straggling, penitentiary centers are often more than 50% above capacity and without appropriate staffing or security measures updates.
US security institutions warn of possible lone wolf attacks in Europe during holiday season
On November 21, the United States Department of State published a travel alert, warning US citizens of the heightened risk of terror attacks throughout Europe during the upcoming holiday season. This alert, set to expire in February 2017, was not unique in and of itself; in recent years, State Department has published numerous travel alerts for its citizens wishing to travel to Europe.
Analysis of Impact of pro-IS groups in North Africa on Spain
Spain today is one of the European countries with a relatively low number of jihadist foreign fighters in Syria and Iraq. Meanwhile, the Islamist terrorist threat remains present in the country and security experts consider that it can be originated from several fronts: those foreign fighters who may return from international jihad zones unnoticed by authorities and possibly interested in perpetrating attacks (as in the cases of the November 2015 Paris attacks), lone-wolves inspired by the IS ideology (as in the case of the 2016 Nice attack), or even foreign fighters who leave Syria or Iraq for a different country.
Escalation of terrorist attacks in Mali demonstrates growing expansion of Ansar Dine
The recent escalation of terrorist attacks carried out by Ansar Dine including the deadliest attack targeting military forces in Nampala and the first kidnapping of 5 Malian soldiers, show that the Mali-based terrorist group is significantly reinforcing its positions and gaining further legitimacy in the country.
Colombia: The Peace accord referendum, a dilemma between the cost of war and the price of peace
On October 2, Colombians will vote in a national referendum whether to accept and support the peace accord reached by the government of President Juan Manuel Santos and the FARC guerrilla.
Appointment of the new Taliban leader may open the way to the return of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan
The latest developments in Afghanistan demonstrate not only the negative perspectives for national security but also trigger fears about a possible return to a situation similar to that before 9/11. In fact, despite the killing of the Taliban leader Mullah Akhtar Mansour, the new Taliban leadership is likely to provide unity to the insurgency. Furthermore, the increasing bonds between Taliban and Al-Qaeda could be harbinger of a return of the terrorist organization founded by Osama bin Laden to Afghanistan.
Orlando: Winning 'DIY' terrorism strategy is applied by Islamic State
On the night between June 12 and June 13, at least 50 people were killed and 53 more injured in a shooting, carried out by a lone attacker against a night club of the LGBT community in Orlando, Florida. The man, who claimed his allegiance to Islamic State, was shot dead by police. The first elements on the incident allow to draw a provisory profile of the man responsible for the worst mass shooting in US history and the deadliest terror attack committed on US soil since September 11, 2001. The attack, claimed by the Islamic State, will for sure have an impact on the "positioning" of the United States in the Syrian crisis.
Orlando : la stratégie gagnante du do-it-yourself du terrorisme appliquée par l’Etat Islamique
Dans la nuit du samedi 12 au dimanche 13 juin, au moins 50 personnes ont été tuées et 53 trois autres blessées lorsqu’un homme a ouvert le feu dans une boite de nuit de la communauté LGBT de Orlando, en Floride. L’homme, qui s’est revendiqué de l’Etat Islamique, a finalement été abattu par la police. Les premiers éléments disponibles permettent de dresser un profil provisoire de l’homme responsable de la pire tuerie de masse de toute l’histoire américaine et du plus grave attentat commis sur le sol américain depuis le 11 septembre 2001, et de souligner la responsabilité de l’E.I. dans une action qui aura, n’en doutons pas, des conséquences sur le « positionnement » des Etats-Unis dans la crise syrienne.
A strange case in Kiev
A strange case that took place this week in Ukraine triggers concerns over a possible "manipulation" from security services. On Monday, June 6, Vassil Grytsak, the head of the SBU (Sluzhba Bezpeky Oukrayiny), the Ukrainian domestic security and intelligence service, announced the arrest of "Gregoire M", a French national found in possession of an impressive arsenal and who allegedly plotted to commit 15 attacks (no less!) in France before and during the Euro 2016 competition. Among the potential targets of the attacks would be mosques, synagogues and public buildings.
Une étrange affaire à Kiev
C’est une étrange affaire, aux forts relents de « manip » des services, qui vient d’éclater en Ukraine. Lundi M. Vassil Grytsak, chef du SBU (Sloujba Bezpeky Oukrayiny), le service de sécurité et de renseignement intérieur ukrainien, annonçait l’arrestation d’un certain « Gregoire M », ressortissant français trouvé en possession d’un arsenal impressionnant et qui aurait projeté de commettre une quinzaine d’attentats (pas moins !) en France avant et durant l’Euro 2016. Ses cibles : des mosquées, des synagogues et des bâtiments publics.
Rise of new rebel groups, backed by local ethnic and separatist movements risk to transform oil-producing Niger Delta regions into a hotbed of insurgency
Since Goodluck Jonathan, the first president from the Niger Delta region, lost re-election in March 2015, and even more since the beginning of the year, the steady raise of violence in Nigeria’s southeast already demonstrated a new alarming trend for regional security. Following the latest attacks in the Niger Delta regions claimed by the newly-emerged Niger Delta Avengers group, this alarming trend has now reached a defining moment marking the revival of Niger Delta insurgency that risk to divert foreign investors from the region.
Competition with Islamic State pushes AQIM to expand south of the Sahel with a series of high profile attacks
While Islamic State now holds the upper hand in the Middle East, Al-Qaeda maintains an advantage in Africa. Al-Qaeda’s position, however, has recently been threatened, with IS making significant efforts to expand deeper into the African continent. Over the last three years, there has been an increase in the number of loyal Islamic State cells operating in Somalia, Libya, Nigeria and even Tanzania.
Une guerre d'influence contre l'Etat Islamique pousse AQMI et ses diverses ramifications à se redeployer vers le sud du Sahel
Là où l’Etat Islamique (EI) domine au Moyen-Orient, Al-Qaïda est à son avantage en Afrique. Toutefois, la position d’Al-Qaïda a récemment été de plus en plus menacée par l’EI qui tente d’accroitre son influence sur le continent africain. Ces trois dernières années, on observe une certaine croissance des cellules liées à l’Etat islamique notamment en Somalie, en Libye, au Nigeria, ainsi qu’en Tanzanie.
Prior security breaches at Brussels Airport were numerous and known
It is not possible to assert that the attack on Brussels National Airport (also known as “Zaventem” after the municipality in which the airport is located) could have been avoided.
Les failles de sécurité à l’aéroport de Bruxelles étaient nombreuses et connues
Il est impossible d’affirmer que l’attentat qui a frappé, le 22 mars, l’aéroport de Bruxelles –National (« de Zaventem », du nom de la commune sur le territoire de laquelle il est implanté), aurait pu être évité.
Escalating violence in Niger Delta and Biafra regions represents a major security challenge for the oil-rich south of Nigeria
Since the beginning of the year the steady raise of violence in Nigeria’s southeast demonstrate a new alarming trend for regional security since Goodluck Jonathan, the first president from the Niger Delta regions, lost re-election in March 2015. The latest incidents, in the context of dramatically decreasing oil prices and of the persistent Boko Haram insurgency in the northeast, represent a worrying situation for the Nigerian government. The possible consolidation of forces of pro-Biafra and Niger Delta rebels along with campus cult groups may seriously challenge security and stability of the region in the nearest future.
Somalia: Despite regional setbacks and internal tensions Al-Shabaab remains a challenge for regional security
The events occurred in the past months in Kenya and Somalia show that Al-Shabaab, the Somalia-based terrorist group, is not only strengthening its influence in the region, but also expanding its ties with other Islamist terrorist groups present in Eastern Africa. In particular, the conduct of more high-profile coordinated attacks on diversified targets, including highly secured areas, suggests that Al-Shabaab is increasingly becoming an international terrorist threat.
San Bernardino shooting highlights security challenges posed by 'lone wolf' attacks
The mass shooting in San Bernardino on December 2, 2015, once again launched criticisms of the competency of security infrastructure in tracking “lone wolf” terrorist plots. Though it is possible attackers discussed jihadist leaning privately online before the shooting, the trail they left was so small-scale as to be negligible, and was undetected by authorities until after the fact. Faced with “lone wolf” attacks that are difficult to detect and even harder to prevent, security officials face the increasingly vital question of how to successfully counter individually orchestrated and perpetrated attacks.
Les attaques terroristes à Paris, « acte de guerre », baromètre des risques géopolitiques croissant pour la France
Le vendredi 13 Novembre, une série d’attaques terroristes coordonnées d’une ampleur sans précédent a frappé Paris à 6 endroit différents, y compris au Stade de France ainsi qu’au Bataclan. 8 terroristes, dont 7 kamikazes ayant déclenché des charges explosives sont morts, et au moins 128 civils tués dont plus de 80 lors de l’attaque au Bataclan. Les assaillants étaient lourdement armés, équipés de fusils AK-47 et de gilets chargés explosifs au sein d’une opération complexe, multicouche, coordonnée et semble-t-il orchestrée par l’État Islamique.
Paris terrorist attacks, ‘an act of war’, highlight dramatically increasing geopolitical risks for France
On Friday, November 13, a series of unprecedented coordinated terror attacks hit Paris in 6 different locations, including the Stade de France and the concert hall Bataclan. 8 terrorists were killed, including 7 who apparently triggered explosives charges, and at least 128 civilians died, including more than 80 in the attack on the Bataclan. Assailants were heavily armed, using AK-47 rifles, explosive vests and Kalashnikovs, in a complex, multilayered, coordinated operation apparently masterminded by the Islamic State.
Briefings 60-80 »


Abu Sayyaf Afghanistan Alberto Caballero Algeria Alicia Jensen Al-Qaeda anarchist Andre Burstin Ansar Al-Islam Ansar Bait Al-Maqdis Ansar Dine Ansarullah anti-Balaka Anton Sehnaoui AQIM AQIS AQMI Argentine Arras Arthur de Liedekerke Australia Axelle Vandendriessche Azerbaijan Bangladesh Belgique Belgium Beyrouth BIFF Blaise Ortiz Boko Haram Brazil Bruxelles Burkina Faso Burundi Cadente Copper Cameroon Canada CAR Central African Republic Central Asia Chili China civil unrest civil war Claude Moniquet Colombia Compaoré Coree corruption Cosa Nostra coup Defence Denmark Di Natala Diplomacy Djihad islamique Dos Santos DRC drones drugs Egypt Egypte Eliska Puckova ELSE energy ESISC Etat Islamique Etats Unis Etats-Unis Ethiopia ETIM Europe European Union Evgenia Gvozdeva Extremism FARC far-right Finland Foteini Fragkou France Gaza Genovefa Etienne Germany green economy Guerrero hacking Hamas hassan nasrallah Hezbollah Human Rights India Insurgency Intelligence Iran Iraq Islamic State Islamism Ismail Haniyeh Israel Italy Japan jihad Jo Biden Kashmir Kazakhstan Kieran Doyle Korea Koweit Lashkar-e-Taiba Lazarevic Leah Kazar Leandro Di Natala Lebanon l'Etat Islamique Lhoussain Azergui Liban Libya Loucheur Louise Schabelmann Mali Mapuche Mattia Caniglia Mexico migrants MILF Mohamed Fahmi Morocco Morsi Najib Mikati NATO netanyahu Nieto Nigeria North Africa nucleaire Olivia de Fouchier Olivier Loucheur Olympic Games Omar Harfouch organised crime Pakistan Palestinian territories Paris Pauline Ravillard Peru Petrobras Philippines Pierre-Alexis Quenot piracy Pluspetrol Political risk Politics Post-Soviet Countries President Pierre Nkurunziza protests Qatar Rachel Larned Raphaël Ramos Rauf Tuzun refugees Russia Rwanda Ryad Salameh Sahel Sarah Baudinet Saudi Arabia sectarian violence Seleka shipping Sinai Solene Jomier Solène Metais Somali state Somalia South Africa Spain Stefano Sarsale Sudan Suez Canal Sweden Syria Syrie Tajikistan Taliban Terrorism terrorisme terrorist terrorists Tia Maria project Tsahal Tunisia Tunisie Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom United Nations United States Uyghur Uyghur Muslims Venezuela video Vietnam waterway William Racimora Xinjiang Yeme Yemen Yuliana Lefevre
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