Egypt: Two separate protests challenge president Morsi's leadership
Egyptian President Morsi is currently facing one of the worst challenges to his leadership since he has been elected last year (...)
Risk of a new war in the Golan
On Monday, November 12, an Israeli tank destroyed a Syrian mobile artillery unit in response to the fall of several mortar shells on the Golan Heights (...)
Risque d'une nouvelle guerre pour le Golan
Lundi 12 novembre, un tank israélien a détruit une pièce d’artillerie mobile syrienne en riposte à la chute de plusieurs obus de mortier sur le plateau du Golan (...)
Lebanon threatens to sink back into violence
Lebanon is slipping back into turmoil since the bloody attack perpetrated in downtown Beirut on Friday, October 19 (...)
Le Liban menacé de sombrer à nouveau dans la violence
Le Liban est plongé dans la tourmente depuis l’attentat sanglant perpétré au centre de Beyrouth le vendredi 19 octobre (...)
Bloody day in Pakistan in the name of love for the Prophet
The excerpt of the film “Innocence of Muslims” that was broadcasted on Youtube at the beginning of September provoked an outburst (...)
Journée sanglante au nom de l'amour du prophète au Pakistan
La diffusion d’extraits du film « L’innocence des musulmans » sur Youtube au début du mois de septembre (...)
Menaces pour la paix mondiale en mer de Chine
La mer de Chine orientale connait un pic de tensions géopolitiques spectaculaire depuis le début du mois de septembre (...)
Threats to world peace in the East China Sea
The East China Sea has witnessed a spectacular crescendo of geopolitical tensions since the beginning of the month of September (...)
Large-scale international deployment of military forces off Iran
The largest naval exercise ever organized in the Middle East began on Monday September 17 in the Gulf of Aden and the Sea of Oman (...)
Déploiement international d’envergure au large de l’Iran
Le plus grand exercice naval jamais organisé au Moyen-Orient a débuté le lundi 16 septembre dans les eaux du golfe d’Aden (...)
The impact of the Arab Spring on Israel's security
Since the beginning of the uprising in the Arab World, Israel, the “sole democracy in the Middle East” has been rather cold (...)
The situation in Syria: an assessment
In Syria, the situation has not calmed down: unrest escalates, repression becomes harsher and armed groups have emerged (...)
Libya/UN: full text of the draft adopted tonight in the Security Council
Libya: DRAFT SCR (...)
Libya: what's next?
This could be the turning point in the civil war which ravages Libya (...)
French recognition of the Libyan rebels is a gamble
We don’t know if French President Nicolas Sarkozy is a poker player but he obviously gambled today (...)
Democratic Republic of the Congo: rumours and very little facts as government speaks of attempted coup
Sunday’s attack on the residence of President Joseph Kabila and the Kokolo military base in the capital of Kinshasa (...)
"Military options" against Libya: gunboat diplomacy or real possibility?
Various declarations and statement in the last days highlighted the increased chances of a Western military intervention in Libya (...)
Libya: dictatorship or chaos?
The ongoing events in Libya are not similar to those which happened in Tunisia in January and in Egypt a few weeks ago (...)
Egypt: double or quits for President Hosni Mubarak?
Even if the situation is extremely tense and volatile in Cairo and other Egyptian cities, the game is not yet over for President Mubarak (...)